PALM FIBRE AND COCONUT FIBRE EFB PALM FIBRE: EFB fibre is the general term for the fibre being extracted from oil palm. EFB fiber can further classify into shredded fiber. PALM FIBRE: Palm fibre is the general term for the fibre being extracted from oil palm. More i mportant, the oil palm fibre is clean, bio-degradable and non-toxin that could participate in many usages. PALM FIBRE MAT: Palm Fibre Mat is a 100% organic fibre, from a renewable source -Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB). They can dissipate the energy of flowing water and absorb the excess solar radiation. DID YOU KNOW? COCOPEAT Cocopeat is an excellent substitute for peat moss and rock wool. Its excellent water holding capacity and air-filled porosity make it a suitab...